Tageszusammenfassung - 06.02.2025

End-of-Day report

Timeframe: Mittwoch 05-02-2025 18:00 - Donnerstag 06-02-2025 18:00 Handler: Alexander Riepl Co-Handler: n/a


Ransomware payments declined in 2024 despite massive well-known hacks

Amount paid by victims to hackers declined by hundreds of millions of dollars.


Cisco Anyconnect: Hacker klonen Webseite der TU Dresden und verbreiten Malware

Mutmaßlich russische Angreifer wollten Nutzern von Cisco Anyconnect eine Malware unterjubeln. Mit einem Trick sollte die Masche unentdeckt bleiben.


Scalable Vector Graphics files pose a novel phishing threat

The SVG file format can harbor malicious HTML, scripts, and malware


Cisco stopft Sicherheitslücken in mehreren Produkten - auch kritische

In mehreren Produkten hat Cisco Sicherheitslücken entdeckt und warnt in Sicherheitsmitteilungen davor. Updates stehen bereit.


Thailand cuts power supply to Myanmar scam hubs

"It-s time to take decisive action,- Prime Minister Paethongthan Shinawatra said about Thailands move to cut off electricity from scam compounds in Myanmar border areas.


U.S. Government Disclosed 39 Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in 2023, Per First-Ever Report

The number of zero-day vulnerabilities the government disclosed to vendors to be fixed, rather than keep them secret to exploit, comes out to about three a month. But the figure could rise dramatically under the Trump ..


Network security fundamentals

How to design, use, and maintain secure networks.



Security updates for Thursday

Security updates have been issued by Debian (asterisk and chromium), Fedora (FlightGear, java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, java-17-openjdk, java-latest-openjdk, and SimGear), Mageia (bind, chromium-browser-stable, python-django, and vim), Oracle (buildah, bzip2, firefox, keepalived, mariadb:10.11, and podman), Slackware (curl, mariadb, and mozilla), SUSE (cargo-audit-advisory-db-20250204 and python311-scikit-learn), and Ubuntu (ckeditor, krb5, and ruby2.7).


OAuth2 Client - Moderately critical - Cross Site Request Forgery - SA-CONTRIB-2025-013


2025-02-06: Cyber Security Advisory - Hard-coded credentials in ASPECT Energy Management System


CISA Releases Six Industrial Control Systems Advisories
